RisingStormisastand-aloneexpansionpacktoRedOrchestra2:HeroesofStalingraddevelopedbyTripwireInteractiveinconjunctionwiththemodding ...,AnytimeIgoonlinethere'sgenerally1,000-1,750playersonlinebutIcangenerallyonlyfind5-7serverswithmorethan40peoplein...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Rising Storm (video game)

Rising Storm is a stand-alone expansion pack to Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad developed by Tripwire Interactive in conjunction with the modding ...

Only 1 Rising Storm server EVER

Anytime I go online there's generally 1,000-1,750 players online but I can generally only find 5-7 servers with more than 40 people in them. And NEVER have I ...

Would you consider this game balanced? :

What do you guys think about the balance of the game?i would say in rising storm the americans are far superior to the japanese:automatic weapons for even ...

在Steam 購買Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition 即可 ...

D-Day Anniversary 2016 Update for Heroes of the West. To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, we have introduced 2 new maps, ...

Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition

The game will allow the player to fight across iconic locations from the famous island-hopping campaigns in the Pacific from 1942 to 1945.

I miss rising storm 1

2024年3月28日 — I miss rising storm 1. I was really into the pacific theater. Anyone have any recommendations of good multiplayer games with that theater?


RisingStormisastand-aloneexpansionpacktoRedOrchestra2:HeroesofStalingraddevelopedbyTripwireInteractiveinconjunctionwiththemodding ...,AnytimeIgoonlinethere'sgenerally1,000-1,750playersonlinebutIcangenerallyonlyfind5-7serverswithmorethan40peopleinthem.AndNEVERhaveI ...,Whatdoyouguysthinkaboutthebalanceofthegame?iwouldsayinrisingstormtheamericansarefarsuperiortothejapanese:automaticweaponsforeve...